this is the website for a system called sunsets.
its mostly the work of the frontrunner, kate
read our stuff on the sidebar or explore some pages here:
After a short break from it, the deplurable scene selection is now complete. You may use it as you wish, or not at all. I've also decided to forgo the compressed, web-quality version of the comic in favor of the full-quality pages. wasn't sure how much space it'd take on our neocities storage but it should fit just fine, I've got ample room to spare for the future. This should make everything look better, especially scenes that use transparent and translucent effects. If you've already read deplurable you should definitely do it again.
I'm pleased to announce that the remake of deplurable we've been working on for the last year is finally available to read on our website. There are some things yet to come such as the other menu options, but the comic is very readable and you should do that. I'll make the scene selection and commentary when I wake up, I'm exhausted.
happy birthday to the site
hi. i added a lot of new stuff. namely, a short comic called R-200624-R2B, or PRODUCT-PACKAGING. i made it as an experiment. you can also now watch The MOVIE SHOW from here i guess. do any of these words make any sense to you at all. well whatever, they're here. if you poke around a bit you can find some other stuff. deplurable is coming along pretty well. i want to finish it probably before the end of the year. yeah i know, shoot me. i think i can do it. thats it for now. uh, bye.
updates to the sunsets pages, new website stuff. please give the spiral a warm welcome.
okay, the special features page is done now. go check it out. like i said before, im gonna hold back from sharing more until its done. i also made a new favicon for the site but it doesnt seem to be changing for some reason.